Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019

Happiness is not a dream, an illusion, or an impossible thing

You don't dream about happiness. You also don't hallucinate the impossible. Because as long as you still believe in the power of Allah, then that is a certainty provided by Allah for all His servants who believe.

Images of Wisdom Happiness is not an impossible dream or illusion
Images of Wisdom: Happiness is not an impossible dream or illusion
Happiness is not a dream, an illusion, or an impossible thing! That is optimism and good faith in God, and patience without urgency, and always believe that the hand that is lifted up to God does not come down empty.
السعادة ليست حلمًا ولا وهَمًا ولا بأمر محال! بل هي تفاؤل وحسن ظن بالله، وصبر بغير إستعجال، وثق دائمًا بأن اليد المُمتدة إلى الله لاتعود فارغة أبدًا